VEGA Spedition is a member of Danske Speditører og Nordisk Speditørforbund. All tasks are carried out in accordance with the Nordic Freight Forwarders Association's General Regulations (NSAB 2015). The provisions limit the freight forwarder's liability as a party to the contract in accordance with § 3 B for loss, deterioration or damage of goods to SDR 8.33 per kg and for delay up to the freight amount, and for all other losses up to SDR 100,000 for each task (§ 21). The freight forwarder's liability as an intermediary according to § 3 C is limited to SDR 50,000 for each task and a total of SDR 500,000 for one and the same incident (§ 24). In the case of storage, the total liability for damage in one and the same incident is limited to SDR 500,000 (Section 25). Special attention is drawn to the network clause (Section 2), that claims against the freight forwarder become time-barred after one year (Section 28), and that the right of lien and lien (Section 14) includes current as well as previous claims.
Transport Insurance
We recommend our customers to ensure their goods are insured during transport. If you do not have transport insurance through your own insurance company, we can take it out ad-hoc on behalf of your company.
Har I ikke transportforsikring
gennem eget forsikringsselskab, så kan vi tegne det ad-hoc på vegne af Jeres virksomhed.
Contact us for price and options.