With our many years in the shipping industry, and with experience from both sides of the desk, we believe we have a fundamental understanding of all types of customer's transport needs. We adapt all solutions specifically to your company's needs. We are always ready for good and honest advice on your current solution. We know the shipping industry inside out and are in favor of openness and dialogue about the transport options in the market. We believe this helps to ensure that your company will always get the best solution.
VEGA Spedition ApS was founded in June 2020 by Kaspar Haller Jensen and Louise Dam Jensen.
Kaspar Dam Haller
Udlært speditør 2007 hos MAN Diesel & Turbo, Frederikshavn
Efter endt uddannelse var Kaspar ansat som udlært speditør, primært med remburs forsendelser på sø og luftfragt.
Kaspar stopper hos MAN Diesel & Turbo i 2010 for at være med til opstart af Interfjord Frederikshavn A/S, her arbejder han frem til 2015.
Herefter starter Kaspar hos Shipping.dk, her uden
medejerskab, og med en rolle som Business Development manager, med ansvaret for virksomhedens sø, luft og kurer afdeling.
In 2019, Kaspar started at the other side of the desk at Strandby Fisk ApS, where he´s tasks was within customer service, sales work, material / product purchasing, order processing and the link between production and administration.
The longing for the freight forwarding industry showed up during 2020, and now he stands here with one foot in his own company and is back for full time as a freight forwarder.
Contact Kaspar directly by email at KHJ@vegaspedition.dk or by phone at +45 2182 4050.
Louise Dam Haller
Originally trained as a sales assistant in the fashion clothing store Anthon, Frederikshavn in 2016, after a few years in the clothing industry and without having found the right shelf, Louise became an apprentice in 2008 as a freight forwarder at MAN Diesel & Turbo, Frederikshavn, then the pieces fell into place and the right shelf was found.
After graduating, Louise was employed as a trained freight forwarder until 2011, but it was time to try new challenges, this time as a customs freight forwarder at Bring Cargo A/S, also in Frederikshavn.
Der gik dog ikke mange måneder før en ny mulighed meldte sig, det blev ansættelse hos Interfjord Frederikshavn A/S som på daværende tidspunkt havde været i gang i knap et års tid. Den mulighed viste sig at være god, der kom mange gode år som speditør og siden 2015 medejer af Interfjord Frederikshavn A/S.
However, not many months passed before a new opportunity presented itself, it was employment at Interfjord Frederikshavn A/S, which at that time had been in operation for almost a year. That opportunity turned out to be a good one, many good years followed as a freight forwarder and since 2015 co-owner of Interfjord Frederikshavn A/S.
Contact Louise directly by email at ldj@vegaspedition.dk or by phone: + 45 2999 9108